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Tutorial: Wood Grain Filler

Wood Grain Filler fills open grains and pores leaving an absolutely clear, glass-smooth surface, ready to topcoat. Drys fast, sands easily, and is also stainable.



  1. Environment: For best results, work in an environment between 68-75ºF.

  2. (Optional): Apply your CrystaLac sealer, depending on your desired end result. If using color, add your color before applying Wood Grain Filler to ensure equal color distribution.

  3. Preparation: Begin with a properly sanded surface, free of sanding dust.

  4. Application: Apply Wood Grain Filler with either a lint free rag, a brush, or even your fingers to feel for inconsistencies. Then, trowel off any excess.

  5. Dry Time: Allow to thoroughly dry; about 2-4 hours. We recommend 6-8 hours prior to sanding. Wood Grain Filler will dry milky, but will clear when topcoated.

  6. Recoat Time: Depending on the openness of the grain, your project may take more than one coat.

  7. Finish: Sand smooth and remove any sanding dust with a vacuum or compressed air. Wipe with a damp cloth (water only) and reapply as needed. Do a final sanding before applying your choice of a CrystaLac topcoat.


Note: If using Wood Grain Filler with products from other manufacturers, be sure to test the compatibility before applying to your project.

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